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Opening Hours : Morning - 10am to 01pm Evening : 04pm to 08pm | Contact : (0286)2243777, 7096643777
Painless delivery refers to the use of epidural injections for pain relief during labor. An
anesthesiologist gives an injection in lower back and places plastic tube through which drugs are
released around your spinal cord.
Benefit of epidural analgesia :- patient can feel contractions but pain decreases significantly
during a vaginal delivery , you are still aware of birth & can move around.
Epidural analgesia given when 3-4 cm dilatation (active phase of labor ). Once drug injected effect last for 2 hour and according to need of patient repeat dose can be given as and when require. If any problem can occur during labor, caesarian can be planned Immediately and you need not to prick the spinal cord anymore.