Welcome to Venus Hospital
Opening Hours : Morning - 10am to 01pm Evening : 04pm to 08pm | Contact : (0286)2243777, 7096643777
Urogynecology is superspecialty of gynecology and in some countries also known as female pelvic
medicine & reconstructive surgery. A urogynecologist manages clinical problems associated with
dysfunction of the pelvic floor and bladder. Pelvic floor disorder affects the bladder, reproductive
organs and bowels .
Pelvic floor disorder commonly seen in populations who doing heavy work & who
underwent multiple deliveries. In India most population is engaged in farming & heavy activities,
hence incidence of pelvic floor disorder & prolapse is high. It is commonly seen in elder age gorup
( age > 40 years).
Who need to seek urogynecologist ?
-Loose pelvic floor
-Something coming out per vaginum(prolapse)
-Retention of urine
-Leakage of
urine after any female pelvic Surgery
Urogynecologist & porbandar:-
Dr.NIlesh Gorania is only qualified urogynecologist
of Porbandar-saurasthtra regions. He pursuied aggresive fellowship in urogynecology from
IKDRC (kidney hospital) civil hospital, Ahmedabad. During that period he learned different
types of urogynecology surgeries & also published few research papers in international
Different surgeries in urogynecology:-
-High uterosacral ligament suspension
-Vaginal hysterectomy
-Sacrospinous fixation
-Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy
-VVF Repair
-Burch’s colposuspension
-RVF repair
-Perigee system
-Manchester Fothergil operation
-Sling surgery for uterine preservation
-apogee system
-Staemy's suspsion
Since last 4 years he is providing World class facilities to people of Porbandar in field of urogynecology. As incidence of pelvic floor disease is higher in porbandar region, people get benefited from very new technique of Surgery at its cheapest. Venus hospital is providing facilities of all kind of urogynecological surgery. Recurrence rate of prolapse is very low at our setup. Quality of life is improving in 95% of patients.